Our mission is to extend the worship of God by preparing churches to send, preparing missionaries to go, sending missionaries, training indigenous pastors, and partnering with national missionaries to plant, strengthen, and multiply local churches with a focus on the unreached and unengaged language groups.

What We Do
MissioSERVE Alliance is a church-centered missionary sending agency. We come alongside local churches to help them send well-equipped missionaries to the least reached peoples. We do that through three functions:
- Administration, logistic, and financial services for churches and missionaries. View our give page to see the missionaries and ministries we support.
- Training churches to become healthy sending churches. Find out more about church engagement.
- Training missionaries to become well-equipped for long-term cross-cultural ministry. Find out more about missionary training.

Our Values
Our practice is praying first, praying most, and praying last. Without prayer, there is no power for genuine ministry. We pray with expectant faith in a Faithful God.
Our motivation is to see the worship of God’s glorious grace where it is not. Our work must aim to new people in new places worshiping in the Spirit and Truth, or it is not worth doing.
Our ambition is to follow the way of Jesus. He was the Lord while washing His disciples’ feet and laying down His life for His friends. The missionary call is to inspire with service, empower disciples with their leadership, and lay down their lives for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Our collaboration centers on honor, dignity, and respect of all whom we serve. We strive to facilitate strong, interdependent, and growing relationships between the sending church, missionary, host culture, and future churches.
Our expectation is the practical training of new church commended/gifted workers who will make disciples of Jesus Christ who will plant multiple churches among the unreached in a lifelong mission of God.
Our hands hold the weapons for spiritual war which are the wisdom of the Word renewing our minds and the power of the Spirit blessing those around us as we take the fight to the kingdom of darkness and expose it to the light.

Our Beliefs
The Redemptive Mission of God – We believe the mission begins and ends with the eternal, sovereign, and triune God: God the Father sent Jesus Christ, God the Son; who sent the Holy Spirit, God the Spirit; who sends missionaries through the church to make disciples of all nations forming, planting, and strengthening new local churches who worship and glorify God!
The Bible – We believe the Bible is the verbal, plenary inspired and inerrant word of God in the original autographs. God has revealed himself, his redemptive plan and glorious purpose of exalting Jesus Christ in the Scriptures which are authoritative and sufficient for all Christian doctrine and practice.
Jesus Christ – We believe Jesus Christ the Son of God, is the promised messiah, the seed of David, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, was virgin born of the Holy Spirit, Truly God – Truly man, lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried, and raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, ascended to heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will return to judge the living and the dead, establish his kingdom, a new heaven and new earth, and will rule and reign for all eternity.
The Holy Spirit – We believe God the Holy Spirit glorifies the person and work of Jesus Christ and indwells every believer. He sets us apart (sanctifies) seals, instructs, leads, convicts, corrects, gifts, produces fruit, conforms us to Christ, and works within us by His power.
Man – We believe man is born with a sinful nature and is totally incapable of the perfect holiness required to escape God’s judgment. No one has the means, of themselves, to earn salvation or grace to any degree. All men are without excuse and condemned apart from repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Salvation – We believe salvation is by the grace of God through faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ on our behalf. The Spirit of God regenerates and indwells the new believer who is justified in Christ. Salvation in Christ is the gospel that is to be proclaimed to and believed by people from every tongue, tribe, and nation.
The Church – We believe the Church is the body of Christ and the central display of God’s manifold wisdom to the universe; demonstrating the power of the gospel to transform the enemies of God and one another into one new people under the new covenant established in the blood of Jesus Christ; and through the life-giving power and presence of the Holy Spirit to the praise of God’s glory. The local church, the pillar and support of truth, has been entrusted with the gospel and commissioned by the authority of Christ to carry out the Great Commission.
The Resurrection – We believe the literal, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day was the first fruits and guarantee of the bodily resurrection to come: the saved into everlasting fellowship with God and the unsaved unto everlasting punishment and separation from God.