What We Do
MissioSERVE Alliance is a unique kind of missionary sending agency. We come alongside local churches to help them send well-equipped missionaries to the least reached peoples. We do that through three functions:
- Administration, logistic, and financial services for churches and missionaries. View our give page to see the missionaries and ministries we support.
- Training churches to become heathly sending churches. Find out more about church engagement.
- Training missionaries to become well-equipped for long-term cross-cultural ministry. Find out more about missionary training.
Our Values
Our practice is praying first, praying most, and praying last. Without prayer, there is no power for genuine ministry. We pray with expectant faith in a Faithful God.
Our motivation is to see the worship of God’s glorious grace where it is not. Our work must aim to new people in new places worshiping in the Spirit and Truth, or it is not worth doing.
Our ambition is to follow the way of Jesus. He was the Lord while washing His disciples’ feet and laying down His life for His friends. The missionary call is to inspire with service, empower disciples with their leadership, and lay down their lives for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Our collaboration centers on honor, dignity, and respect of all whom we serve. We strive to facilitate strong, interdependent, and growing relationships between the sending church, missionary, host culture, and future churches.
Our expectation is the practical training of new church commended/gifted workers who will make disciples of Jesus Christ who will plant multiple churches among the unreached in a lifelong mission of God.
Our hands hold the weapons for spiritual war which are the wisdom of the Word renewing our minds and the power of the Spirit blessing those around us as we take the fight to the kingdom of darkness and expose it to the light.
Our Beliefs
THE BIBLE is verbally inspired by God and inerrant in the original autographs. It is the only rule of faith and practice.
GOD is eternal and triune: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
JESUS CHRIST is the unique Son of the Father: virgin born, sinless, died an atoning death, physically resurrected, ascended, exalted, presently High Priest, coming again literally and personally to establish the millennial kingdom.
THE HOLY SPIRIT indwells every believer and instructs, corrects, and guides them in the Christian life. He fills and empowers those yielded to Jesus Christ as Lord of their life.
MAN is sinful and eternally lost apart from personal faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ for salvation.
THE CHURCH is the body of Christ that manifests itself locally through believers united for mutual edification and propagation of the gospel while awaiting God’s Son from heaven.
THE RESURRECTION of the body will be physical: the saved unto everlasting fellowship with God and the unsaved unto everlasting punishment and separation from God.