Compass Ministries is dedicated to providing quality counseling and support services to missionaries and their families. 

  Hope Radio in Mango Togo is our outreach and church planting ministry in partnership with ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism).
  George C. has partnered with us for three decades to transform India by the love of Christ.
  Trinity College Initiated a partnership with us to encourage and cultivate a passion among their students for the Great Commission.
  Verse by Verse is a radio program of Lakeside Community Chapel which we edit and produce in our office and studio.
  Word Partners provides training resources for our MoBiL workshops and partners.

Our Memberships

  Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability — ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising, and board governance.
  Guidestar by Candid — Every year, millions of nonprofits spend trillions of dollars around the world. Candid finds out where that money comes from, where it goes, and why it matters. Through research, collaboration, and training, Candid connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to do it.
  Missio Nexus shares learning and opportunities for collaborative action through its many mission-orientated products, programs, and services.