Pray for Missions
How do you pray for missions?
One of the essential ways that the sending church can engage on mission with their missionaries is through prayer. There are several key elements to missions prayer which we emphasize and model in our SPARK prayer ministry:
- Worship
- Cross-cultural, church-to-church partnerships
- Spiritual Strength
- Mobilization of Workers
- Thanksgiving

Our priority is God’s praise. Our motivation is his majesty. We worship God through prayer because He is worthy of our worship (Ps. 96:3-4). And we proclaim His glory to the nations because He is worthy of being proclaimed. It is fitting that when we come to our Holy God in prayer, that we acknowledge and adore Him for who He is and what he has done and posture our hearts with humility and holy expectation for what he will do for the glory of His name among the nations.
Written prayers (like this one) on our blog will fuel your worship of God!
Cross-Cultural, Church-to-Church Partnerships
Like a fire blazing in the dead of night, the church globally is called to be a light in the darkness and to make known the manifold wisdom of God in the Gospel to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places (Eph. 3:8-10). The Missio Dei is given to the church to send out missionaries to take the Gospel to new places and plant new churches who will continue to multiply for the praise of God’s glory. The missionary is the bridge between churches separated by time and space, and prayer is the link that keeps them in fellowship.
The partnership between senders, sent ones, and the host churches is about mutual giving and receiving, strengthening, and supporting. SPARK exists as a conduit and catalyst of worship by creating new bonds of cross-cultural fellowship between churches all over the world.

Spiritual Strength
The task given to the church to bring the light of the Gospel to those in darkness is indeed great, and both the church and missionary must be strengthened for the battle against spiritual forces of darkness. We are vulnerable to Satan’s attacks due to the weakness of our flesh and the enemy’s deception. We rely on the truth of the Word and power of the Holy Spirit to stand against the schemes of the Enemy (Eph. 6:11), walk as children of the light (Eph. 5:8), and expose the darkness. Praying this way for our churches, our missionaries, and our partners glorifies Christ and strengthens them (and us) for the fight (Eph. 6:18).
Mobilization of Workers
Prayer affects the heart and moves the hands and feet to action. Rarely has there been a breakthrough in missions history that cannot be traced back to the earnest prayers of God’s people. We believe that God has given us His Word to teach us how to pray and to equip us for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17). The SPARK Prayer Model and resources are inspired by the wisdom of the Scriptures which allows us to pray more informed and effectual prayers for God’s church, His mission, and His people.
The aim of our prayers is to mobilize the church, locally and globally, to send out laborers into His harvest (Mt. 9:38) to make disciples, plant churches, and train leaders for God’s global glory.

“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” (Col. 4:2)
What are you thankful for? Who will you pray for? Where will you go? Who will you send? It only takes a spark to ignite a church to God’s mission.