Whose Mission?

August 25, 2023 Brian W

The Old Testament is alive with the mission of God (Missio Dei), and it all points to Jesus on the cross. Jesus comes in the form of the promised child of the House of David, and at the beginning of His ministry, He calls disciples. He lives with them, teaches them, and then He dies for them and all of us on the cross, crushing the head of the serpent. His disciples gather, pray, and while doubting, the Holy Spirit comes to empower them, and the church is born.

Adrian Hastings wrote, “The Church does not so much have a mission – as if the church somehow existed prior to its task – rather it is mission as such; indeed, as the phrase goes, the church of Christ does not so much have a mission as the mission of Christ has a church.” 


Ephesians chapter one tells us, we have every spiritual blessing for the praise of His glorious grace. Christ Jesus calls us to praise; He saves us for praise, and we worship because He reconciles us to the Father. The Missio Dei continues in three parts. First, there is the presence of the witness to Christ; second, there are disciples that respond to the witness to Christ; and third, when the new disciples gather, there is a church that ministers to the unbelieving community. 

At MissioSERVE, our one desire is to help the church send a witness (missionary) to make disciples who will assemble (new churches) and bring God-exalting praise and worship where it does not already exist. The Missio Dei is why we at MissioSERVE come together to serve the mission of our Lord. 


Brian W
Brian served 14 years in the Republic of Georgia, where he started a youth ministry, discipled new leaders, and planted over 15 new churches before serving in leadership of another missions organization. Brian is married to Maia and they have two children.