What's in a Name

July 31, 2023 Steve B

MissioSERVE Alliance Explained

Words matter, so do names! So, what’s in a name? Three things are significant to the name that was chosen to identify our mission. We wanted a name that is meaningful, memorable, and motivating. Or a name that gives a clue as to who we are and what we do; is unique to us and easy to remember, and finally, a name that might motivate others to join with us in the great mission of God. So how might the name MissioSERVE Alliance accomplish these three things? Here is an explanation of our name with definitions and priorities, which may provide clarity and significance.


Missio is the Latin root of the English word “mission” (from the nominative missionem) and means “a sending or being sent.” A sending abroad (as an agent), an act of sending, a dispatching.

Our missions focus is grounded in obedience to the redemptive mandate of Jesus Christ or what we commonly call the Great Commission (Matthew 28-19-20; Mark 16:15Luke 24:44-49John 20:21; and Acts 1:8). The sending of missionaries is initiated by the Spirit of God and the local church (Antioch – Acts 13:1-4). The necessity of sending missionaries is central to the Word of God, is rooted in the commands of Jesus, is prompted by the Holy Spirit, and is confirmed by the local church. In honor of Christ, the church sends, and the missionary goes. It is our privilege to encourage churches and equip missionaries who go to the nations to make disciples, which leads to the heart of our name.


“Serving is the ability to relate to people in such a way that their dignity as human beings is affirmed and they are more empowered to live God-glorifying lives” (Duane Elmer – Cross-Cultural Servanthood, pg. 146). “Jesus followers are called to be Jesus to every human being – to serve as he served” (Ibid, Matthew 20:28)

We are not the heroes of the mission. We are weak and dependent servants with great confidence in God, who strengthens us, helps us, and upholds us with His righteous hand (Isaiah 41:9-10). SERVE is intentionally in the center of our name! We serve churches. We serve missionaries. We serve prayer partners. We serve generous partners. We confidently serve to unite all participants together in serving the One who served us, Jesus Christ.


Alliance – “to tie or unite” from the Latin ligo. Any union or connection ofinterests between persons, families, states, or corporations.

We humbly recognize that we are just one small part of one great purpose that God is carrying out through His diverse and gifted people from all nations. It is our privilege and great joy to partner with churches, missionaries, and gospel organizations to increase our impact in the advance of the gospel to the unreached and unengaged.

MissioSERVE Alliance

Our name is rich with meaning and calls all of us to partner together in serving our Lord and Master of the Harvest in praying, giving, sending, and going. We get to serve one another and demonstrate God’s love to the nations! Are you motivated yet?


Steve B
Steve served as a church planter, pastor, leadership developer, missions trainer, and in missions leadership over the 37 years prior to stepping into the leadership of MɪssɪᴏSERVE Alliance. Steve is married to Terri Jo and they have four adult children and 13 grandchildren.