A Prayer Based on Ephesians: 1:15-23

Missions Prayer

November 03, 2023 Brian W

Thank you, Lord, for the reports I have heard from around the world from all the men and women sent to do your will: (name your missionaries here). I want to give thanks to these men and women that serve you cross-culturally. Father, grant them wisdom, power, and strength to glorify you in the dark places. Help them rely on your wisdom and strength even when tempted to use the methods of the flesh.

Help me pray for them fervently, cultivate gratitude for their work, and develop in me the same desire for the your glory that they display. It is your glory and grace that drives us to mission to make you known among the nations. Help us never forget this truth; that in our actions, prayers, and ministry, it may be your glory that we make known and your glory alone. In our weakness, in our despair, in our time of discouragement, help us remember the wonder of your grace, your amazing love, and your eternal salvation. 

Whatever forces are arrayed against us, let us never lose sight of your resurrection power. Death was defeated in your resurrection; all power and authority reside in you. It is that power that we rely on, it is that power that drives us, and it is through the Holy Spirit that we succeed in glorifying you. Do not let us become distracted with concerns of the world and desires of the flesh. Let us dwell on your glory and your desire to be made known and worshipped. 

Father, may I always be open to your call and may I send another well, in a manner worthy of my Savior. May I not miss an opportunity to go myself and make Jesus known. Strengthen me to support my brothers and sisters and to stand alongside them when given a chance. All for your grace, glory, power, and love, may we serve one another and bless those who are yet to know you. 





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Brian W
Brian served 14 years in the Republic of Georgia, where he started a youth ministry, discipled new leaders, and planted over 15 new churches before serving in leadership of another missions organization. Brian is married to Maia and they have two children.