Prayer Pathways

June 07, 2024 Parker J

Advancing the Gospel to the unreached (UPG) starts with, is dependent on, and is accomplished through prayer. S.P.A.R.K. Prayer Pathways will guide your church through the process of identifying UPGs within your existing missionary connections. You can then strategically pray for, support, and send missionaries to proclaim the gospel to those who have not yet heard it.
S.P.A.R.K. Prayer Pathways
Start within your sphere of relationships.
  • What missionaries does your church support?
  • Do any of your church’s missionaries serve within a UPG?
  • Are there any UPGs living near where your church’s missionaries serve?
  • Ask your church elders for direction. Have they been praying about a particular UPG?
  • Ask your church missions team for direction. Have they been praying about a particular UPG?
Pray through additional missions resources.
Adopt a specific UPG. 
  • Research your UPG.
  • Take note of specific facts or insights that spark your interest and stimulate significant intercession for your UPG.
  • Gather information from missionaries, agencies, books, articles, etc.
Recruit people from within to pray, give, and go.
  • Spread the word about your UPG.
  • Partner (Phil. 4:15) – Enter into a partnership of giving and receiving with those who are reaching your UPG. Give to encourage and empower those working, pray for their strength, send others to join them, and go to join them as you are able.
  • Invite others to pray for your UPG.
  • Pray for the missions focus and priorities of your church and its leaders as you prepare to seek out and send laborers to go to your UPG (Mt.9:37-38).
  • Pray for missionaries and national church partners currently serving among or near your UPG.
  • Pray for your UPG through the scriptures.
Kindle a passion in your church for reaching your UPG. 
  • Host a prayer event at your church! We can help your church plan and facilitate it, and train other prayer leaders in your church.
  • Request a missions speaker for your church.
  • MissioSERVE can help you engage your church and prepare you to send your own missionaries. Talk with a coach today.
  • Is your missionary serving among or living near your UPG? Help advance their long-term mission through a short-term trip!
  • Are you or is someone in your congregation willing to go to your UPG? At MissioSERVE, we prepare churches to send and we train missionaries to go!