MissioSERVE Board Update

July 08, 2024 David M

God is to be praised for an unusual season of change and blessing for MissioSERVE Alliance. He guided and helped the merger of Propempo International into MissioSERVE. The merger brought experienced staff and training resources, strengthening our church engagement ministry. As Propempo became a part of MissioSERVE in January 2023, a Transition Board was created with six members representing an average of over fifteen years each of missions Board service. The Board committed to meeting in person quarterly in 2023. Those meetings coordinated with quarterly joint staff weeks for fellowship, planning, integration, and creating solid team relationships as a foundation for MissioSERVE’s future ministries.

Toward the close of 2023, our pioneering leader and Executive Director, Steve Best, was called to assist as interim President of Trinity College of Florida. His long-term relationship with Trinity as an adjunct professor, his unique giftedness and commitment to its vision and values, and Trinity’s need for his leadership made it clear to all concerned that Steve would be the ongoing President of Trinity in 2024. Steve was used by the Lord in many ways to shape and lead MissioSERVE into the future ahead of us. He served well for seven fruitful years at the helm of MissioSERVE.

During 2023, the vision statement of MissioSERVE was refocused as:

To lead the way in aligning the sending church and missionary to accomplish their mission together.

This past month, the Transition Board turned over the reins to a more permanent regular Board. The new Board recognized the long-term service of three Transition Board members leaving active service as Board Members emeritus: John Mitten, Bob Bradbury, and John Crotts. We also installed several new, well-qualified Board members and still have some room for growth.

Now, it is our pleasure to introduce you to Joel Hollins as our new Executive Director, as of July 1, 2024. Joel has served with MissioSERVE and Propempo for over one year, fulfilling roles in administration, technology, and assisting Propempo with new ministry content development.

Joel is a graduate of Cedarville University and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Joel has eleven years of positive missions field experience in East Asia, where he met his wife, Mary. He also has experience as a pastor and church planter. Joel and Mary live in Dayton, Ohio, with their four children, ages 8, 11, 14, and 15. He will travel from his home in Dayton for ministry, including regular presence at the MissioSERVE station office in Port Richey, FL.

We are especially grateful to God for a dozen or more new sending church relationships this year. They are seeking help from us to train their leaders to send well and missionary candidates to be well-sent to mission fields around the world.

Our new Executive Director and several key Director-level staff are earnestly seeking to raise full support this year. Your donations and advocacy are deeply appreciated. Feel free to ask about other opportunities for stewardship and service.

We praise God for MissioSERVE’s legacy. We are dependent upon Him for our future. Thank you all for your prayers of faith and generosity. Please partner with us as we seek to “lead the way” in biblical, church-centered missions.


Your servant in God’s grace,

David C. Meade, Board Chairman



David M
David C. Meade has been the founder, C-level officer, and consultant for a number of non-profit organizations. He has nearly fifty years of experience with church planting, pioneering field ministry among UPGs, and leadership in international and domestic NGOs. He has a strong biblical local-church-centric ministry philosophy and commitments, serving as an international outreach leader, pastor, and elder in local churches throughout his adult life. He loves teaching and mentoring church leaders and global workers preparing for service to meet the greatest need of the neediest places on earth.

David is an international business consultant, NGO executive, and international leadership trainer. He has a weekly podcast and has authored hundreds of insightful and practical blogs, articles, and several books. David is a well-received speaker and teacher. His experience in non-profit leadership and international NGOs informs his counsel for leaders and workers in challenging areas of service, analyzing corporate strategies, conflict resolution, crisis management, and event leadership. David is passionate about core values based on timeless principles, valuing people, and leadership training. He is an avid family man, reader, fisherman, and world traveler.