Christ’s church is under siege. This battle is not new. The biblical church has always faced bitter persecution, politically and institutionally, from outside the family of faith. Atheists, antagonists, cults, and rival religions have railed against the gospel and the Lordship of Christ in a futile attempt to justify their manmade legalistic systems.
Yet, there is also a growing internal battle within the church, using rationalism, humanism, and pragmatism to undermine clear biblical teaching. Challengers promote their own agenda. Organizations and associations, claiming new and more effective church planting strategies, dilute and distort basic biblical definitions of the gospel, saving faith, and the local church. The biblical local church and Christian ministry, especially in the realm of global missions, suffer the slings and arrows of such outrageous misfortune.
As we embrace the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, we must retake the high ground of biblical understanding of the local church. The Bible could not be clearer:
- Jesus loves the church and gave Himself for her.
- God planned for local churches to multiply and demonstrate His wisdom to the world.
- The early disciples and apostles planted local churches everywhere they went in obedience to the Great Commission.
- Local churches have biblically qualified leaders, order, and mutually committed members.
- The entire New Testament shouts “local church” as the answer to evangelism and discipleship and as the living laboratory for Christian maturity and missionary sending.
If we want to fulfill the Great Commission, your local church must reclaim its rightful place in sending and shepherding well-qualified missionaries to plant healthy biblical churches in every tongue and tribe of the world. As a missionary candidate, you need to be trained under the guidance of your local church before being sent to the remaining unreached groups. Missionaries not engaged with and sent from their local church ought not to go.
Missions on Point: The Local Church’s Role in Missions sets out the biblical case for the local church’s involvement in world missions. Based on decades of experience, it adds practical help for local churches to develop this strategic vision for sending. It also explains how this understanding impacts every role in the missionary sending process: Lead Pastor, Missions Leader, missionary mentor, missionary candidate, missionary, missions agency, missions donor, missionary training school, and missions mobilizer.
Missions on Point: The Local Church’s Role in Missions is the handbook for local church sending. Throughout the book, you’ll read the true composite serial story of a church that stepped into its biblical role and saw the Lord use them to send missionaries and see thriving indigenous churches planting in an unreached people group.
Get Missions on Point: The Local Church’s Role in Missions. Read it. Share it. Let’s see a new wave of local churches taking their place in the Great Commission to reach the world for Christ.
David C. Meade has been the founder, C-level officer, and consultant for a number of non-profit organizations. He has nearly fifty years of experience with church planting, pioneering field ministry among UPGs, and leadership in international and domestic NGOs. He has a strong biblical local-church-centric ministry philosophy and commitments, serving as an international outreach leader, pastor, and elder in local churches throughout his adult life. He loves teaching and mentoring church leaders and global workers preparing for service to meet the greatest need of the neediest places on earth.
David is an international business consultant, NGO executive, and international leadership trainer. He has a weekly podcast and has authored hundreds of insightful and practical blogs, articles, and several books. David is a well-received speaker and teacher. His experience in non-profit leadership and international NGOs informs his counsel for leaders and workers in challenging areas of service, analyzing corporate strategies, conflict resolution, crisis management, and event leadership. David is passionate about core values based on timeless principles, valuing people, and leadership training. He is an avid family man, reader, fisherman, and world traveler.