Missions Development Plan

February 05, 2021 Brian W

Missions Development Plan — Mission Plan

A Missions Development Plan (MDP) is developed organically with the missionary candidate to define their training process and the short and mid-term goals for their mission. The plan also helps the sending church and the missionary candidate align their expectations, mission vision, and intentions for the mission. It also defines the role that MɪssɪᴏSERVE will play in the relationship for the benefit of the sending church and the missionary candidate. Once the missionary candidate joins MɪssɪᴏSERVE, the MDP begins with a training assessment to lay out the plan and path for the training. The MDP continues throughout the training process including the missionary’s first two-year term on the field.

The MDP produces the training path for the missionary. Their graduation portfolio demonstrates skills mastered and defines roles, expectations, and vision for the mission for every stake holder: the sending church, the missionary, supporters, MɪssɪᴏSERVE, and the host culture partners. The MDP will carry any MɪssɪᴏSERVE trained missionary through their first two-year term.

The Mission Plan (MP) will be produced during a missionary’s first two-year deployment. This plan will be a long-term plan for the mission going forward. Like the MDP, it will help define vision, roles, expectations, and practice between all the stake holders of the mission. The MP will help the mission mobilize support, keep the sending church and missionary on task, as well as help the host culture partners know what to expect. The MP is reviewed periodically by all the stake holders (generally every three years) and revised as needed.


Brian W
Brian served 14 years in the Republic of Georgia, where he started a youth ministry, discipled new leaders, and planted over 15 new churches before serving in leadership of another missions organization. Brian is married to Maia and they have two children.