A Prayer Based on Ephesians 2:6-10

Missions Prayer

February 09, 2024 Brian W

Lord, remind me that the Missio Dei is about worship. Help me remember your glorious grace and the wondrous ways in which you saved me. Help me not forget that there are areas of the world that have never worshiped you and vast areas that have forgotten how to worship you. Let me never forget that you have saved me by grace, a gift granted to me for worship. Help me remember that I accepted this great gift by faith and it is my duty to share it with others. How can others believe if they have not heard? How can others trust you when they do not know you or have forgotten you?

Help me to send those that speak your Word and share their faith to those in need. If it is your will, send me to do the same. Help me appreciate my salvation and the wonder it is and drive me to love it so much that I want to share it with others. I feel inadequate to serve you, but I trust that you have prepared work for me to do. You have given me my tasks, and you have gifted me with power from the Holy Spirit to carry them out. Grant me the courage to follow your will, to work in your mission.

Father, help me to pray fervently for those missionaries carrying out your task and walking in the work you have prepared in advance for them to do. Father, I ask you to bring to their minds the wonder of their salvation when they feel down, remind them of your glorious grace in their dark times, and call them to hope in the face of the monstrous forces of evil they face each day. Father, call your church to remember your glory and grace and give us the ability to act in faith to carry our your Missio Dei.


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Brian W
Brian served 14 years in the Republic of Georgia, where he started a youth ministry, discipled new leaders, and planted over 15 new churches before serving in leadership of another missions organization. Brian is married to Maia and they have two children.